“You can depend on the Americans to do the right thing but only after they exhaust every other opportunity. (Incorrectly attributed to Winston Churchill)
This quote strikes a chord because it feels reminiscent of the setbacks we have had in bringing Africa ASAP to fruition. Last year’s down time was used to put together some extraordinary people who are enabling us to realize our vision. Now, we can commence Phase 2 of Africa ASAP. During Phase 1 in 2019, we flew our camera at an altitude of 4 to 8 thousand feet and 3 to 5 miles away the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee. In Phase 1 we demonstrated our ability to see elephants, fires, and people from great distances. This fall, before life scientists, rangers, and key decision makers, we will demonstrate our ability to solve some of their most pressing issues. Phase 2 will again take place over and nearby the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee. We will simulate a comprehensive ranger intelligence system, address issues associated with airship altitude, tree cover and the use of AI to discriminate between poacher candidates and rangers, and test various audio sensors. Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (SARS) will be deployed to view buried snares and track vehicles under canopy. As we emerge from this icy winter and receive our covid vaccinations, I invite you to join us as we realize our dream of a new and better way of protecting our rapidly vanishing natural world.
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